
Naomi, 2010 to 2021

Naomi (ナオミ)

Naomi (kitten)
(grown cat)
(elderly cat)
Passed away February 18, 2021
98 images
Name                    Last modified      Size  Description
--------------------   -----------------  -----  -----------
../                    30-Sep-2021 06:41  [DIR]  Chez Inwap Cats
20100711_010254.mp4    11-Jul-2010 04:02  5.59M  Movie: Chasing tail
20100713_190106.jpg    13-Jul-2010 22:01  1.12M  Close up; tiny blep
20101009_164112.jpg    09-Oct-2010 19:41  1.07M  On the cat shelf
20101009_164124.jpg    09-Oct-2010 19:41  1.12M  On the cat shelf; teenie blep
20101227_151356.jpg    27-Dec-2010 18:13  40.2K  On mommy's lap
20101227_161507.jpg    27-Dec-2010 19:15  1.03M  Larger on mommy's lap
20101227_161517.jpg    27-Dec-2010 19:15  0.99M  At ease
20100711_010254 20100713_190106 20101009_164112 20101009_164124 20101227_151356 20101227_161507 20101227_161517
20110104_173907.jpg    04-Jan-2011 20:39  579.K  Pink blanket covered the couch
20110108_173146.mp4    08-Jan-2011 20:31  3.87M  Audio: Loud purr
20110119_221301.jpg    20-Jan-2011 01:13  1.06M  Self-satisfied pose
20110227_234250.jpg    28-Feb-2011 02:42  1.21M  9-frame video capture
20110227_234352.jpg    28-Feb-2011 02:43  1.15M  9-frame video capture
20110227_234756.jpg    28-Feb-2011 02:47  1.12M  9-frame video capture
20110821_113532.jpg    21-Aug-2011 14:35  27.1K  New computer at Naomi's level on the couch
20110104_173907 20110108_173146 20110119_221301 20110227_234250 20110227_234352 20110227_234756 20110821_113532

20110905_164114.jpg    05-Sep-2011 19:41  738.K  New all-in-one computer box; George is not impressed
20110905_164126.jpg    05-Sep-2011 19:41  924.K  New all-in-one computer box; Naomi is interested
20110905_164224.jpg    05-Sep-2011 19:42  749.K  New all-in-one computer box; Naomi gets closer
20110905_164254.jpg    05-Sep-2011 19:42  886.K  New all-in-one computer box; gingerly walking on top of packing
20110905_164536.jpg    05-Sep-2011 19:45  938.K  New all-in-one computer box; comfortable
20110905_164554.jpg    05-Sep-2011 19:45  800.K  New all-in-one computer box with cat on it
20110905_164114 20110905_164126 20110905_164224 20110905_164254 20110905_164536 20110905_164554

20111103_000532.mp4    03-Nov-2011 03:05  4.73M  Movie: She likes the shallow box
20111103_000534.jpg    03-Nov-2011 03:05  0.98M  frame capture from previous movie
20111103_000552.jpg    03-Nov-2011 03:05  909.K  In the shallow box
20111103_000605.jpg    03-Nov-2011 03:06  994.K  My box!
20111103_000642.mp4    03-Nov-2011 03:06  6.20M  Movie: Wiggle on demand
20111103_000644.jpg    03-Nov-2011 03:06  1.07M  frame capture from previous movie
20111103_000756.mp4    03-Nov-2011 03:07  18.5M  Movie: More wiggle
20111103_000800.jpg    03-Nov-2011 03:08  1.00M  frame capture from previous movie
20111110_210725.mp4    11-Nov-2011 00:07  15.6M  Movie: Chasing red dot
20111103_000532 20111103_000534 20111103_000552 20111103_000605 20111103_000642 20111103_000644 20111103_000756 20111103_000800 20111110_210725
20111110_210726.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:07  1.15M  frame capture from previous movie
20111110_210727.mp4    11-Nov-2011 00:07  8.65M  Movie: More red dot
20111110_210728.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:07  1.21M  frame capture from previous movie
20111110_210810.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:08  1.36M  Look at that face!
20111110_210811.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:08  1.15M  Golden eyes
20111110_210812.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:08  903.K  Alert
20111110_210813.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:08  914.K  Profile
20111110_210726 20111110_210727 20111110_210728 20111110_210810 20111110_210811 20111110_210812 20111110_210813
20111110_210815.mp4    11-Nov-2011 00:08  3.35M  Movie: Feather on a string
20111110_210814.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:08  352.K  frame capture from previous movie
20111110_210816.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:08  971.K  Pink feather
20111110_210817.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:08  948.K  Floofy pink feather
20111110_210818.jpg    11-Nov-2011 00:08  884.K  The high ground
20111110_234754.mp4    22-Sep-2019 06:41  10.6M  Movie: More red dot, alternating paws
20111210_171152.jpg    10-Dec-2011 20:11  1.71M  Tuckered out
20111110_210815 20111110_210814 20111110_210816 20111110_210817 20111110_210818 20111110_234754 20111210_171152
20111227_190428.jpg    27-Dec-2011 22:04  1.08M  Wrapping paper
20111231_124220.jpg    31-Dec-2011 15:42  758.K  Nesting boxes
20111231_124228.jpg    31-Dec-2011 15:42  1.18M  Perfect size boxes
20111227_190428 20111231_124220 20111231_124228

20120114_153106.jpg    14-Jan-2012 18:31  1.13M  Nested boxes
20120304_151556.jpg    04-Mar-2012 18:15  1.22M  Fresh scratcher pads with Japanese silver vine
20121127_130908.jpg    27-Nov-2012 16:09  863.K  Even shallower box
20121223_160544.jpg    23-Dec-2012 19:05  971.K  Yeem in a box
20121223_160600.jpg    23-Dec-2012 19:06  1.24M  Naomi sized box
20120114_153106 20120304_151556 20121127_130908 20121223_160544 20121223_160600

20130714_152558.jpg    14-Jul-2013 18:25  1.13M  On the back of the couch
20130811_181934.jpg    11-Aug-2013 21:19  835.K  On mommy's table
HRTsproing0004.mp4     23-Sep-2013 13:28   9.0M  Movie: 14 seconds with a "sproing" toy
20130924_111850.jpg    24-Sep-2013 14:18  916.K  Small blep
20131123_190136.jpg    23-Nov-2013 22:01  58.7K  Scritching kitty in a big box
20130714_152558 20130811_181934 HRTsproing0004 20130924_111850 20131123_190136

20140107_103120.jpg    07-Jan-2014 13:31  902.K  In daddy's chest of drawers
20140107_103512.jpg    07-Jan-2014 13:35  303.K  Second drawer from the top
20140107_173158.jpg    07-Jan-2014 20:31  805.K  Marking it as hers
20140107_173242.jpg    07-Jan-2014 20:32  897.K  More second drawer
20140107_173308.jpg    07-Jan-2014 20:33  975.K  Still in that drawer
20140107_173326.jpg    07-Jan-2014 20:33  906.K  Showing how close it is to daddy's workstation
20140225_152724.jpg    25-Feb-2014 18:27  0.98M  On daddy's lap
20140107_103120 20140107_103512 20140107_173158 20140107_173242 20140107_173308 20140107_173326 20140225_152724
20140503_223108.jpg    04-May-2014 01:31  730.K  Close to daddy
20140720_071454.jpg    20-Jul-2014 10:14  3.41M  Close-up; green eyes
20140722_183757.mp4    21-May-2017 18:45  60.5M  Movie: Wiggle.  Wiggle, wiggle.
20140503_223108 20140720_071454 20140722_183757

20150109_181102.jpg    09-Jan-2015 21:11  2.83M  Occupying daddy's spot on the couch
20150318_171446.jpg    18-Mar-2015 20:14  2.63M  Princess in her box
20150318_171512.jpg    18-Mar-2015 20:15  2.61M  Golden yeem
20150318_171544.jpg    18-Mar-2015 20:15  3.35M  One-eyed yeem
20150318_171626.jpg    18-Mar-2015 20:16  3.19M  Two-eyed yeem
20150614_121008.jpg    14-Jun-2015 15:10  4.36M  Chillin on her cat shelf
20150109_181102 20150318_171446 20150318_171512 20150318_171544 20150318_171626 20150614_121008
20150705_174506.jpg    05-Jul-2015 20:45  4.60M  Another Naomi-sized box
20150705_174518.jpg    05-Jul-2015 20:45  4.11M  This is mine
20150705_180736.jpg    05-Jul-2015 21:07  1.54M  Still in the box
20150807_200700.jpg    07-Aug-2015 23:07  3.91M  Bigger box
20150807_200742.jpg    07-Aug-2015 23:07  3.69M  A box from Jet
20150930_131100.jpg    30-Sep-2015 16:11  4.43M  Inspecting a mug from mommy's friend
20150705_174506 20150705_174518 20150705_180736 20150807_200700 20150807_200742 20150930_131100

20151101_141950.jpg    01-Nov-2015 17:19  4.41M  Happy in her box
20151101_151920.jpg    01-Nov-2015 17:19  3.85M  Unhappy at the intruder
20151101_141950 20151101_151920

20160107_162200.jpg    07-Jan-2016 19:22  2.55M  Her favorite box, just before packing up the 2-foot tree
20201212_223157.jpg    15-Apr-2021 00:51  0.98M  Our 2-foot tall Christmas tree, the one from her favorite box
20160109_153858.jpg    09-Jan-2016 18:38  5.00M  Taking up daddy's space
20160602_210632.jpg    03-Jun-2016 00:06  3.58M  High on the cat tree
20160602_210808.jpg    03-Jun-2016 00:08  2.72M  One-eyed with flash
20160916_161904.jpg    16-Sep-2016 19:19  3.54M  Investigating couch destruction
20160107_162200 20201212_223157 20160109_153858 20160602_210632 20160602_210808 20160916_161904
20161201_155206.jpg    01-Dec-2016 18:52  4.32M  The way she likes it; her in the box and him not visible
20161201_155240.jpg    01-Dec-2016 18:52  3.65M  Yeem in a box
20161201_181524.jpg    01-Dec-2016 21:15  4.32M  Playing with the Cat Dancer
20161201_191831.jpg    01-Dec-2016 22:18  2.89M  Playing with the Cat Dancer (cropped)
20161201_155206 20161201_155240 20161201_181524 20161201_191831

"From 2017 to 2021, Naomi was constantly sleeping on mommy's lap."
20170605_161914.jpg    05-Jun-2017 19:19  94.4K  Woke her up
20170605_162802.jpg    05-Jun-2017 19:28  97.2K  Small blep
20191015_185827.jpg    15-Oct-2019 21:58  4.94M  Usual spot on mommy's lap
20201220_033301.jpg    20-Dec-2020 06:42  384.K  Rumpled cat on daddy's lap
20201220_033216.jpg    20-Dec-2020 06:56  701.K  On daddy's lap when mommy goes to bed
2021-02-17.jpg         20-Feb-2021 19:42  151.K  Last picture of her; more than 20 years old.
20170605_161914 20170605_162802 20191015_185827 20201220_033301 20201220_033216 2021-02-17

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Naomi, 2010 to 2021