
Tymshare facility on Bubb Road in Cupertino, CA, circa 1980.
Courtesy of Ernie Vance Socci.

17 images
Name             Size  Description
-------------   -----  -----------
../             [DIR]  Information about Tymshare
evsoffic.jpg    63.7K  Ernie Vance Socci brought these pictures to the Tymshare reunion
lpts.jpg        47.8K  Lineprinters, System 33 (a KI) in the background
machnrm.jpg     67.2K  Bubb Road machine room, System 37 on right
memorex.jpg     72.0K  Memorex 3630 disks = 200 Mb = IBM 3330-II = DEC RP06
opr.jpg         55.0K  TYMCOM-X gave operators privileges to mount tape and save files
ampex128.jpg    31.8K  Older Ampex memory box, 128 K words (576 K bytes)
evsoffic lpts machnrm memorex opr ampex128
ampex256.jpg    53.0K  Ampex memory box, 256 K words (1152 K bytes)
ampexdsk.jpg    58.4K  Ampex disks, also 200 Mb per removable disk pack
augmenka.jpg    79.6K  AUGMENT - KA running Tenex (OFFICE-1.ARPA)
BBNPager.jpg    53.5K  BBN pager for AUGMENT KA (See also Dan Murphy's Tenex pictures)
disks.jpg       76.3K  Ampex disks in front of System 37's memory boxes
sys37a.jpg      69.5K  System 37 (hardware TT), a KI-10
kicons.jpg      60.0K  KI console
ampex256 ampexdsk augmenka BBNPager disks sys37a kicons
sys37tp.jpg     50.1K  System 37 tape drives (STC) and LA36 terminals
system29.jpg    58.8K  System 29 (hardware ZZ), a KL-10
sys37tp system29

.. parent directory

Tymshare facility on Bubb Road in Cupertino, CA, circa 1980.
Courtesy of Ernie Vance Socci.