The unofficial ReBoot home page
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Question: What is "ReBoot"?
Answer: It is a half-hour cartoon show on TV. It tells the story of the "people" who live inside your computer.

Recruiting poster Drawings
[The official web site for Mainframe Entertainment Inc. is .]
| Description | Disclaimer | Third_season | Introduction | Episodes | Merchandise | FAQ | Publicity | Other_sites | Index | Acknowledgements | Honors | Viewing_Hints |
| Editorial_Page |

October 2010:
Press Release from Shout! and Rainmaker Announces
2011 Complete Series DVD Intentions

Via Tv Shows On DVD.

Best Toonami show of all time?

26-Dec-2001: The Cartoon Network is running a poll: What is your favorite Toonami show of all time?. ReBoot had 49%.

Two movies (8 half-hours) for Season IV

Started 18-Nov-01 on YTV

ReBoot on YTV
    YTV Network (Canada) Sunday           Wednesday
"Daemon Rising"   18-Nov 4:00pm    21-Nov 7:00pm + 7:30pm
"Daemon Rising"   18-Nov 5:00pm    28-Nov 7:00pm + 7:30pm
"My Two Bobs"     25-Nov 4:00pm    05-Dec 7:00pm + 7:30pm
"My Two Bobs"     25-Nov 5:00pm    09-Jan 7:00pm + 7:30pm

Started 19-Oct-01 on Cartoon Network

ReBoot on the Cartoon Network starting 1-Oct-2001.
    Cartoon Network (US) Friday prime-time
"Daemon Rising" 19-Oct 5:00pm + 19-Oct 5:30pm + 26-Oct 5:00pm + 02-Nov 5:00pm
"My Two Bobs"   09-Nov 5:00pm + 16-Nov 5:00pm + 23-Nov 5:00pm + 30-Nov 5:00pm
"Daemon Rising" 07-Dec 5:00pm + 07-Dec 5:30pm (rerun of 1st half of movie)
Poster 1 Poster 2

New toys coming out Spring/Summer 2001

28-Mar-01: Prototypes for new action figures from Mainframe Entertainment.

Toy Mania Has news about upcoming action figures from Season III and the first ReBoot movie.

ADV Films has ReBoot, Season III on DVD

23-Jul-2000: 'Reboot' Home Video Collection to is available from Adv Films. Volume 1 has episodes 24, 25, 26, 27. Volume 2 has episodes 28, 29, 30, 31. Volume 3 has episodes 32, 33, 34, 35. Volume 4 has episodes 36, 37, 38, 39.

[GIF: logo]

Welcome to ReBoot

This is the 1,014th access since 29-Mar-95.

[JPG: cast 1st season] [JPG: cast 2nd season] [JPG: cast 3rd season]
[1st season] [2nd season] [3rd season]


ReBoot is a half-hour of computer animation that had been shown on ABC Saturday mornings. It has great computer generated characters and backgrounds, and has good stories sprinkled with puns based on the computer industry. This document describes the ReBoot cartoon show and ReBoot toys and has a complete episode guide.


This is the unofficial ReBoot home page. Its author, Joe Smith, does not work for BLT Productions or Mainframe Entertainment Inc., does not work for Alliance, YTV or ABC. Check out the Editorial Page for details on how and why this home page was created.

The official ReBoot home page on the Mainframe's web site is at shows/reboot/html/ - go there to see the latest and greatest character biographies, images from the current episodes, and a Q&A section.

AndrAIa, Enzo, Dot (blue) AndrAIa, Enzo, Dot (red)

Season III, 1997-1998

Mainframe's Director of Communication posted an update on 24-Feb-97.

Season IV will probably not be done until after Mainframe Entertainment Inc. finishes some other commitments first.

The 1996-1997 season

ABC dropped ReBoot from their Saturday morning line-up. Claster Television was syndicating ReBoot to 106 independent TV stations in the US. YTV is showing ReBoot in Canada.

1995, 1996, 1997 Gemini Award winner

ReBoot won the 1996 Gemini Award in the category "Best Animated Program or Series" on Canadian television. It has won three years in a row!

ReBoot featured in September issue of Animation magazine

ReBoot is featured on the front cover of the September 1997 issue of Animation magazine, and on the summer 1997 issue of the Canadian magazine TakeOne.

Mainframe goes public

The IPO (Initial Public Offering) was 17-Jun-97.
Third quarter results announced 27-Feb-98.

ReBoot on the Cartoon Network.

The Cartoon Network did not showing the opening sequences. In Season III, the opening sequence was changed every four episodes. Quicktime movies of the Season III opening sequences are available on the Mainframe web site.

Article in 4-Mar-99 The Toronto Star about Mainframe and Imax

Toonami and/or Cartoon Network links:


Introduction to the show

The episodes

? ? ?




The Sony Playstation video game and the items at the S F Continuum are still available.
Everthing else in this section is out-of-print, making it hard to find them other than on eBay. PSX
Press Releases


Pointers to other ReBoot resources


Acknowledgments: Text

The authors of the press releases and news articles are listed in the section under "Press releases". All the other text you see here was authored by Joe Smith. If you intend to incorporate some of this information in your document, please put a link back this page.

The history of this document is kept in the editorial page.

Acknowledgments: Images

The nifty pictures on the Characters/Heroes/Villains pages are courtesy of the friendly folks at Mainframe Entertainment Inc. The originals were 720x576 or 576x720 RGB files in Silicon Graphics format; they have been converted to JPG and GIF for viewing


Web awards bestowed upon this site, including "Spyder's Pick of the Day" for 30-Jun-1995.

Viewing hints

This document was designed with Netscape's Navigator and displays reasonably well with MS Internet Explorer and Mosaic.
It is also designed to be usable with text-only browsers, such as lynx.

To help you navigate around this site, you will find these four images at the bottom of each page:

   goes to the next page in the guided tour
   goes to the previous page in the guided tour
   goes up one level
  URL goes to the home page (this one).

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Updated: Friday, 04-Nov-2016 20:01:43 EDT

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Maintained by Joe Smith