Baycon 15, May 23-26, 1997
Red Lion Inn, San Jose, CA
32 images
Name Size Description
------------- ----- -----------
../ [DIR] 4 fans at Chez INWAP. Check out SF Cons at bottom of page.
97052601.jpg 47.0K 512x384 Klingons demonstrating betleH fighting
97052602.jpg 44.4K 512x384 Close-up on Klingons
97052603.jpg 46.2K 512x384 More Klingons
97052604.jpg 40.3K 512x384 Artist's ghetto, outside Art Show and Dealer's Room
97052605.jpg 38.4K 512x384 Kate and friends
97052606.jpg 35.7K 512x384 Obiwan Kenobe was pre-registered, listed under "K"
97052607.jpg 36.7K 512x384 People in the hallways
97052609.jpg 42.2K 512x384 Black and white kitten, competition for Kit-Kat
97052610.jpg 2.15K 512x384 Kit-Kat did not appreciate being posed for the shot
97052611.jpg 38.3K 512x384 Klingon Opera
97052612.jpg 38.6K 512x384 Hall costumes: Imperial Storm Trooper
97052614.jpg 42.0K 512x384 Gosh, Goths!
97052618.jpg 37.5K 512x384 "We had to color; the Klingons wouldn't let us sing show tunes."
97052619.jpg 42.8K 512x384 Mideastern Prince and Queen/Sorceress
97052620.jpg 37.6K 512x384 Four Westerfields
97052621.jpg 40.2K 512x384 Regency ladies, before the Mardi Gras Masquerade
97052622.jpg 37.2K 512x384 Cute little orange kitten (before it met Murdock)
97052626.jpg 43.2K 512x384 Two Rangers and a Delenn
97052627.jpg 41.2K 512x384 Centauri dancing slave
97052628.jpg 36.2K 512x384 Major belly dancing
97052629.jpg 31.6K 512x384 Murdock predicts which side of chair Punkin will appear from
97052608.jpg 22.1K 384x512 Heather Alexander in Maxi's Lounge
97052613.jpg 38.8K 384x512 Period hall costumes (wenches just want to have fun)
97052615.jpg 38.9K 384x512 Joe mounts a surpise attack on Chris and John
97052616.jpg 38.5K 384x512 Terry asks, "Gee, Pinky, what are we going to do tonight?"
97052617.jpg 28.4K 384x512 More happy furries
97052623.jpg 31.0K 384x512 Runner up: Blinky the Plaedean Crustracean and Cyborg
97052624.jpg 31.4K 384x512 Knight in armor
97052625.jpg 40.8K 384x512 Murdock and his adoring public
97052610.gif 2.55K 80x60 GIF
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Baycon 15, May 23-26, 1997
Red Lion Inn, San Jose, CA
Unrecognized option '- thumbnails 80x60 '