Joe and Sally Smith
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See also the individual home pages for Joe and Sally Smith.


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At Sally's parents.
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Robert Burns night, Clan Donald and Clan MacLeod.
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Halloween 1996, Joe in MacDonald kilt and borrowed vest.
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Halloween 1996, Sally in black velvet and MacLeod shawl.


Four-week tour of Scotland and England, summer 1998.

Our stuff

Geo Prizm named Geordi

All of the other cars we own have names. So when we purchased a black Geo Prizm, we decided to call it Geordi. Joe got some reflective tape and made a visor for the car. The tape is 2 inches wide along the front of the hood, 1 inch wide past the headlights, and 1/4 inch pinstripes.
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White stripe on hood and along door is prismatic tape.
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Close up of the colors on the "visor".

Phonograph Albums

The picture of Matthew and his mommy in matching tie-dye shirts, taken in our living room, drew some comments. This is what is in the background.
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Notice the lava lamp above the albums.
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Lots o' vinyl

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