Images from ReBoot episodes, Seasons 1 and 2
149 images
Name Size Description
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../ [DIR] ReBoot: Episode Guide
11virus2.jpg 80.1K 640x480 Half of Mainframe has turned to stone
14end.jpg 76.9K 640x480 End of first teaser
13mbgloat.jpg 82.2K 640x480 And gloats about it
20logo.jpg 69.9K 640x480 The ReBoot logo has turned to stone
22hexbob.jpg 77.8K 640x480 Bob tries to get help from Hex
25leave.jpg 75.1K 640x480 Bob leaves Hex
31phong1.jpg 70.8K 640x480 Phong calls
32phong2.jpg 73.6K 640x480 But even Phong gets turned to stone
30city.jpg 78.1K 640x480 Bob flies through the stone city
33oh-no.jpg 80.0K 640x480 Oh, no! says Bob
40bob.jpg 74.6K 640x480 Bob is on a mission
41phong.jpg 71.6K 640x480 The stone Phong in his Principal office
42enzo.jpg 71.4K 640x480 Enzo turned to stone
43dot.jpg 69.6K 640x480 As did Dot
44portal.jpg 74.1K 640x480 A portal to the supercomputer appears
45saveyou.jpg 76.2K 640x480 Bob vows to save them
01fromnet.jpg 82.2K 640x480 "I come from the Net."
02andcities.jpg 75.1K 640x480 "Systems, people, cities"
03place.jpg 90.7K 640x480 "To this place:"
04mainframe.jpg 76.8K 640x480 "Mainframe"
10virus1.jpg 78.6K 640x480 Medusa Bug virus attacking Mainframe from Lost Angels
12mbwatch.jpg 79.0K 640x480 Megabyte watches the virus in action
21hex.jpg 71.0K 640x480 Hexadecimal is pleased about it
24wontstay.jpg 72.7K 640x480 But Bob won't stay
23gotidea.jpg 70.5K 640x480 She has got an idea
abc01.jpg 57.1K 638x480 Megabyte tries to take over ABC's Saturday morning
abc02.jpg 44.2K 640x461 He hacks into the ABC's computers
abc04.jpg 35.3K 633x466 And causes a System Crash
abc05.jpg 42.9K 640x480 System Crash
abc06.jpg 52.6K 640x480 Megabyte with a Game Cube
abc07.jpg 45.7K 633x480 Megabyte's mouth
abc08.jpg 50.1K 640x480 The system clock (giant pendulum)
abc09.jpg 56.0K 640x470 Sectors of Mainframe are breaking apart
abc10.jpg 53.6K 640x480 VidWindows all over
abc11.jpg 58.6K 640x480 "Path Search In Progress", "Don't Panic", "Route Deallocated"
abc13.jpg 23.2K 394x327 MB reduced to almost nothing
abc12.jpg 23.5K 418x342 Megabyte being attacked by anti-virus software
abc14.jpg 20.2K 382x314 MB converted to stone
abc15.jpg 35.3K 640x480 And no longer in control of ABC Saturday Mornings
abc16.jpg 41.5K 640x480 Kids in Dot's organizer
abc17.jpg 39.1K 640x480 Enzo makes a comment
abc18.jpg 41.6K 640x480 Bob looks surprised
episo01a.jpg 17.8K 360x270 Dot in white and yellow game uniform
episo01b.jpg 23.3K 360x270 Bob's face from below
episo02a.jpg 35.4K 360x270 Enzo in race car
episo02b.jpg 32.7K 360x270 Hex giving mask to Bob
episo03a.jpg 26.6K 360x270 Bob in gold vs skeleton
episo03b.jpg 29.7K 360x270 Knight Dot on floor
episo04a.jpg 34.6K 360x270 Principle Office
episo05a.jpg 37.6K 360x270 Dot (scowling), Enzo, Bob
episo05b.jpg 31.8K 360x270 Dot with big guns
episo06a.jpg 26.7K 360x270 Enzo and MB face to face
episo06b.jpg 24.7K 360x270 Enzo with evil grin
episo07a.jpg 33.0K 270x360 Captain Capacitor
episo07b.jpg 27.5K 360x270 Megaphone Dot
episo08a.jpg 16.2K 360x270 Enzo the Smart
episo08b.jpg 19.8K 360x270 Pumped Mike
episo09a.jpg 35.5K 360x270 Wizard Dot and Barbarian Mike
episo09b.jpg 33.6K 360x270 Bob is the Thief
episo10a.jpg 20.8K 360x270 Mouse
episo10b.jpg 27.3K 360x270 Enzo in sick bay
episo11a.jpg 19.8K 360x270 Dot singing "Alphanumeric"
episo11b.jpg 22.0K 360x270 MB and big green guitar
episo12a.jpg 29.1K 360x270 Megabyte on throne
episo12b.jpg 14.7K 360x270 Businesswoman Dot
episo13a.jpg 36.1K 270x360 Punk Enzo, blank Cecil
episo13b.jpg 35.9K 360x270 Viral Scientist cracking code
episo14a.jpg 41.2K 360x270 MB running from Dot's exoskeleton
episo14b.jpg 32.5K 360x270 Fading Enzo looking at same
episo15a.jpg 25.6K 360x270 Bob hangliding over sea
episo15b.jpg 30.4K 360x270 Codemaster Pike
episo16a.jpg 30.1K 360x270 Enzo at shimmering mirror
episo16b.jpg 40.8K 360x270 Stargate collapsing
episo17a.jpg 28.5K 360x270 Bad Bob and Gyro Phong
episo17b.jpg 20.6K 360x270 Megatruck (white background)
episo18a.jpg 27.6K 360x270 Glitch is melting
episo18b.jpg 31.2K 360x270 Dot, Enzo in Vidwindow
episo19a.jpg 26.0K 360x270 Mermaid and Merman
episo19b.jpg 26.2K 360x270 AndrAIa and Captain Enzo
episo20a.jpg 43.9K 360x270 FAB guys in suits
episo20b.jpg 49.5K 360x270 Rockem/Sockem Nullzilla
episo21a.jpg 25.9K 360x270 The Ship retrieving a tear
episo21b.jpg 28.7K 360x270 Gigabyte (white background)
episo22a.jpg 15.9K 360x270 Data Nully and Fax Modem
episo22b.jpg 39.9K 360x270 Web creature in bright light
episo23a.jpg 24.7K 360x270 Dot fires big strapping gun
episo04b.jpg 37.7K 360x270 Our heroes
gamecu_s.jpg 61.9K 400x320 Incoming Game
episo24a.jpg 33.9K 620x469 Dot in the cemetary
episo25a.jpg 39.2K 628x474 Enzo, AndrAIa, and old hermit on motorcycle
episo27a.jpg 17.2K 427x320 Dot: "Enzo, ... nooooooo!"
episo26a.jpg 14.7K 256x257 Enzo as 007
episo26b.jpg 39.7K 599x450 Hex in bondage
episo24b.jpg 24.8K 547x446 Enzo rebooted as a "Thriller" zombie
episo25b.jpg 32.4K 601x449 Rocky the Rabid Raccoon
episo25c.jpg 39.1K 597x448 Jamaican wants a raccoon cap
episo27b.jpg 52.8K 601x450 Zaytan (devil with flames)
episo27c.jpg 22.0K 600x450 Cyrus repents his ways
episo28a.jpg 47.0K 720x473 Harddrive, Tac Tic, Tweek, Overdrive
episo28b.jpg 31.7K 600x449 Seven heroes (magnificent)
episo28c.jpg 16.3K 258x259 Backup and Tweek
episo29a.jpg 47.9K 600x450 Heroe's Collective headquarters
episo29c.jpg 57.1K 600x450 In the cave
episo30a.jpg 13.1K 258x259 Jury of black and white binomes
episo31a.jpg 13.8K 258x259 Matrix on a rope
episo32a.jpg 37.8K 600x450 Opened the door via brute strength
episo32b.jpg 45.6K 599x480 Ray Tracer pursued by cop cars
episo32c.jpg 31.0K 600x450 AndrAIa: "Has anybody seen my dog?"
episo32d.jpg 42.5K 602x452 Dog loose in control room
episo29b.jpg 46.7K 600x480 AndrAIa and trident
episo99z.jpg 7.41K 258x259 Currently In Progress
episo99z.gif 3.20K 256x64 Currently In Progress
mainframe.gif 2.05K 206x48 Link to
mfe-rb-ep.gif 2.05K 206x48 Pointer to Mainframe's web site
maxine.jpg 18.5K 216x600 Maxine, the tour guide from the IMAX RideFilm
episo34b.jpg 10.6K 196x335 Bob's Web suit (face visible)
episo34a.jpg 29.2K 432x584 Bob's Web suit (with facemask)
episo33a.jpg 39.6K 599x479 Enzo watching over AndrAIa
episo35a.jpg 54.2K 600x480 Pirate feast
episo35d.jpg 51.3K 600x480 The new, merged Bob + Glitch
episo35e.jpg 40.9K 600x480 Glitch-Bob entering the portal
episo35b.jpg 56.7K 600x480 Pixels attacking the ship
episo35c.jpg 37.8K 600x480 Bob encased in a yellow glow
prisoner.jpg 9.1K 320x240 JPG
redflyr2.jpg 12.8K 320x240 JPG
santa2.jpg 12.3K 320x240 JPG
wknight.jpg 15.1K 320x240 JPG
zaytan2.jpg 16.3K 320x240 JPG
clown2.jpg 15.4K 320x240 JPG
dplane2.jpg 13.6K 320x240 JPG
prisonr2.jpg 12.9K 320x240 JPG
redflyer.jpg 8.94K 320x240 JPG
wknight2.jpg 13.3K 320x240 JPG
evilded2.jpg 14.9K 320x240 JPG
penelop2.jpg 10.3K 320x240 JPG
penlindy.jpg 13.5K 320x240 JPG
carrots2.jpg 9.7K 320x240 JPG
greekdin.jpg 14.9K 320x240 JPG
dinotnk2.jpg 9.6K 320x240 JPG
greek2.jpg 32.2K 640x480 JPG
runner2.jpg 11.1K 320x240 JPG
shark2.jpg 8.45K 320x240 JPG
raccoon2.jpg 13.0K 320x240 JPG
matrix_tattoo.jpg 32.7K 487x473 JPG
Gillian5.gif 5.44K 54x80 GIF
motorola.jpg 2.74K 80x80 JPG
Gillian5.jpg 1.62K 54x80 JPG
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See also TheEnd.html (it lists other picture galleries).
Images from ReBoot episodes, Seasons 1 and 2
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