"War Planets" / "Shadow Raiders" index
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Welcome to Shadow Raiders (aka War Planets)

This is the 9,803rd access since 6-Sep-98.

Mainframe Entertainment Inc., the people who brought us ReBoot and Beasties, has been commissioned by Trendmasters to create a new animated series based on Trendmaster's "War Planets" toys.

The Fall-1998 season was 13 half-hour episodes; the plans were for 40 episodes total. This $18 million CGI weekend show was being syndicated by the Summit Media Group and started the weekend of September 12th 1998 on independent TV stations across the US. In other countries, the show is called "Shadow Raiders". The YTV network in Canada started showing "Shadow Raiders" on September 16th 1998 (Wednesdays 7:30pm E/P and 11pm E/P).

The show was expected to run 5 days a week in 1999-2000, but that did not happen. The second season did not show in the US and the third season was never created.

Message-ID: <378D037F.12219493@reboot.com>
From: mairi <mairi@reboot.com>
Organization: Mainframe Entertainment Inc.
Newsgroups: alt.tv.reboot
Subject: Re: Shadow Raiders Season 3
References: <7mfsv5$ou1$1@nnrp1.deja.com> <19990714144407.23406.00000184@ng-fy
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 13:39:39 -0800

The show got good ratings. The toy line was introduced in this Spring
Canada and didn't do as well as expected. Some question as to whether the
line will be launched at all in the US. Also some business issues are
outstanding. Therefore it made sense for us to move on.

Mairi Welman
Director of Communications       Email - mairi@reboot.com
Mainframe Entertainment, Inc.    Tel - (604) 714-2600
#500 - 2025 W. Broadway          Fax - (604) 714-2641
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada   V6J 1Z6                        www.mainframe.ca


This is an unofficial War Planets / Shadow Raiders home page. Its author, Joe Smith, does not work for Mainframe Entertainment Inc., does not work for Alliance, YTV or any TV network.

The official War Planets home page is at http://www.shadowraiders.com/WAR/ - go there to see the latest info.

War Planets™ & © 1998 Trendmasters, Inc.
A Mainframe Animation


The first season was 13 episodes, as was the second season. An additional 14 episodes was originally planned.


Pictures of the 1999 action figures.
From: Mairi Welman <mairi@reboot.com>
Newsgroups: alt.tv.reboot
Re: war planets figures
Date: Tue Oct 06 15:41:14 PDT 1998
Organization: Mainframe Entertainment Inc.

Character toys should be in the stores in time for Christmas 1998. However not the entire cast, just the first few. Gearing up the manufacturing pipeline for toys is a lengthy process. Look for more stuff into next year.

The toys that inspired this animated series can be found on the Trendmasters web site. They have a game for the PC, "The Age of Chaos", but its storyline has nothing to do with the animated series.
From: Mairi Welman <mairi@reboot.com>
Newsgroups: alt.tv.reboot
Subject: Re: War Planets
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:21:38 -0700

And, interestingly enough, it looks like the show will change its name to Shadowraiders in the US for season 2 to differentiate the original toy line from the one being developed after the show.

This Shadow Raiders site is owned by Joe Smith.
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