Joe Smith: I love my TiVo
This is the 2,768th access of this page
Marital bliss is His & Hers TiVo units. It's the only realistic way to
keep Wishlists and Thumbs-Up data separate.
Previous setup diagrams:
2001 2003
2004 2006
2007 2010
2014 2017
2018 2019
Disk sizes
Discussion on Disk Sizes; an 80 billion
byte disk holds 74.5 gigabytes.
Copy tystream to RAID on Linux
To guard against the case where my TiVo's hard disk goes out again, I copy some
of the recordings to another Linux box that has 250 GB of disks in RAID-1.
cd ~/joe-tivo; perl ~/bin/from-tivo joe-tivo:3105 'TOON|G4TTV'
TiVo headquarters in north San Jose, California.
The first two pictures are from when when TiVo hits 1 million subscribers
(December 2003), the next two from from November 2005. Other pictures of
their headquarters in December 2005.
Request for enhancements
Software additions I would like to see added:
- Ability to store Preferences/Wishlists/SeasonPasses off-site for safekeeping.
- Multiple bookmarks per show, for multiple viewers in household.
- User-defined flags in Now Playing (indicating "I've finished watching
this show; you can delete it now" and "here's something interesting
for you to see").
- Add a subtle mark in Now Playing to indicate which shows have bookmarks.
- Ability to record contents of buffer at all times, including when
a new show has already started. (When viewing buffer 30 minutes
delayed at 10:15, I want to record the 9:45 to 10:00 portion of
show in buffer even though a new show started at 10:00. In this
case, Record Buffer would create two enties in Now Showing.)
- Upcoming Episodes screen should automatically detect and display conflicts.
- A way to tell TiVo that a given recording is defective (or was
pre-empted) and therefore needs to be purged from the 28-day list,
and rerecorded ASAP.
- "The Daily Show" - record one episode per day regardless of the lack
of guide data. Could be done by TiVo headquarters by postprocessing
known-to-be-bad data from TMS.
- Auto-pad recordings when no conflicts. Minutes, or 30 or 90 seconds.
- Ability to jump to show by name in Season Pass Manager.
- Redundancy built-in for two-disk units. (I've had two IDE disks go out on me already).
- Periodic backup: Once a day the non-MFS partitions on the A drive
get copied over to the B drive. Boot PROMS modified to boot off of the
B drive if the A drive is unreadable. (Unwatched shows on the A
drive would be irretrievable in this case, but the To Do List would
still be functional.)
- RAID-1: Both MFS and non-MFS partitions are mirrored. Full protection
against disk failure, at the expense of having only half the capacity.
- Ability to switch from Mirrored to Backed-Up at any time.
Ability to switch from Backed-Up to Mirrored when space available.
More suggestions: Megazone's
Request For Enhancements.
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