
Selected images from INWAP's web camera. (More or less in chronological order)

See also the cat pictures: Murdock, Punkin, Kit-Kat.

See also: current image, last 2 hours, last 24 hours and previous day.

JPG 5312 x 2988 20191209_SolarControl.jpg GIF 80 x 45 20191209_SolarControl.gif JPG 5312 x 2988 20191209_SolarBush.jpg GIF 80 x 45 20191209_SolarBush.gif JPG 5312 x 2988 20191209_SolarRoof.jpg GIF 80 x 45 20191209_SolarRoof.gif
191 images
Name                          Size  Description
--------------------------   -----  -----------
../                          [DIR]  The Amazing Chez Inwap Backyard Cam, current picture
ThreeCats.jpg                14.7K  Kit-Kat, Punkin, Murdock (left to right)
Murdock2.jpg                 13.1K  Murdock wanting to check out the hole in the fence
ChimneyDSS.jpg               44.2K  Shadows from installing DSS satellite dish on the chimney
MurTail1.jpg                 3.30K  Kit-Kat admires Murdock's plumy tail
ChrisWalk.jpg                7.82K  Chris bringing in onions from the garden
JoeBike.jpg                  8.76K  Joe fixing bike
ThreeCats Murdock2 ChimneyDSS MurTail1 ChrisWalk JoeBike
JoeLaundry.jpg               19.2K  Laundry:  A Man's Job at Chez Inwap
JohnBbq.jpg                  5.71K  John at barbecue
KitBelly.jpg                 8.99K  Kit-Kat exposing her belly
KitKat1.jpg                  21.5K  Kit-Kat rolling on the grass
KitKat2.jpg                  24.4K  Kit-Kat facing camera
MurBug.jpg                   18.1K  Murdock stalking a bug
JoeLaundry JohnBbq KitBelly KitKat1 KitKat2 MurBug
Murdock1.jpg                 8.67K  Murdock: cat on a leash
PrinceJ2.jpg                 22.9K  The prince says, "the audience is over"
PrinceJest.jpg               23.9K  The prince and the jester
SallyKit.jpg                 13.7K  Kit-Kat rolling on the grass, asking Sally to pet her
PunMur2.jpg                  21.8K  Punkin is so happy - she's not on her leash
JohnGarden.jpg               31.4K  Seeding the pepper farm
Murdock1 PrinceJ2 PrinceJest SallyKit PunMur2 JohnGarden
3cats1.jpg                   10.8K  Kit-Kat, Punkin, Murdock (l to r)
Grazing.jpg                  37.2K  The livestock are grazing on the back 40
Punkin1.jpg                  16.2K  Punkin rolling around on warm concrete
3cats2.jpg                   31.3K  Punkin, Murdock, Kit-Kat (front to rear)
MurTail2.jpg                 21.8K  Murdock wants the world to see his magnificent tail
JoeKit.jpg                   33.2K  Joe trying to convince Kit-Kat to come inside
WebCam.jpg                   12.0K  WebCam self-portrait (reflection at right)
3cats1 Grazing Punkin1 3cats2 MurTail2 JoeKit WebCam
Dinner1.jpg                  10.5K  Chris, Joe's aunt, John Sally, Joe's mom
LaundKit.jpg                 13.0K  Kit-Kat beneath the laundry
LaundMur.jpg                 13.2K  Murdock beneath the laundry
Murdock3.jpg                 26.3K  Facing the morning sun
Scritch.jpg                  19.1K  Scritch this cat!
PunkinRoll.jpg               4.89K  Punkin caught rolling around on the warm concrete.
JoeMow.jpg                   11.8K  Dumping the clippings
Dinner1 LaundKit LaundMur Murdock3 Scritch PunkinRoll JoeMow
KitSpot.jpg                  5.17K  Kit-Kat finds a warm spot on the lawn
Build1240.jpg                26.9K  12:40pm New fence being constructed
Build1300.jpg                27.7K  1:00pm Halfway done
Build1320.jpg                27.2K  1:20pm Almost done
Build1340.jpg                26.4K  1:40pm Neighbor does really good work
NF-Laund.jpg                 24.2K  Laundry must be done, fence or not
KitSpot Build1240 Build1300 Build1320 Build1340 NF-Laund
NoFence.jpg                  34.4K  Time to replace the fence
3cats3.jpg                   32.3K  Three happy cats
MurSpot.jpg                  30.0K  Murdock enjoys the warm spot
3cats4.jpg                   29.5K  Murdock sniffing Punkin, Kit-Kat on the side
Hola.jpg                     32.6K  Murdock says "Hello" to people at www.guiar.com/80/locas/backyard.htm
guiar_com.txt                1.06K  E-mail from the webmaster at guiar.com
TieDye1.jpg                  29.4K  John and his colorful laundry
NoFence 3cats3 MurSpot 3cats4 Hola TieDye1
TieDye2.jpg                  37.3K  Joe talks to Kit-Kat (not pictured) as other two look on
TieDye3.jpg                  34.4K  Instead of taking it in, John puts on the dry laundry to wear
Sat_1150.jpg                 25.6K  3 cats
JohnMow.jpg                  36.7K  Time to whack the weeds into shape
TreeLook.jpg                 35.0K  Everyone checks on the status of the lemon tree
2catstouch.jpg               34.8K  Murdock and Punkin allow their toes to touch
TieDye2 TieDye3 Sat_1150 JohnMow TreeLook 2catstouch
3cats5.jpg                   34.6K  Scratch, stroll, roll
3cats6.jpg                   35.7K  Everybody, outside!
Sat_0940.jpg                 35.0K  2 cats
Flowers1.jpg                 40.3K  The rain has produced some pretty yellow flowers
SolarKit.jpg                 6.46K  The solar-powered Kit-Kat recharges her batteries
SunPurr.jpg                   9.6K  Murdock called Joe outside.  Now he's purring.
3cats5 3cats6 Sat_0940 Flowers1 SolarKit SunPurr
KitRoll.jpg                  7.15K  Stretch, roll around
Gardening.jpg                41.1K  Kit-Kat has done something funny.  To bad Joe blocks the view.
BrightWhite.jpg              38.3K  Murdock's blinding-white cat tum
98042226.jpg                 29.9K  Ruffle this cat (and brush and comb)
KitRoll Gardening BrightWhite 98042226

98042227.jpg                 5.94K  Big, hansome cat
98042228.jpg                 7.04K  "	"	"
98042233.jpg                 8.01K  Heading for the lemon tree
98042234.jpg                 5.87K  "	"	"
98042227 98042228 98042233 98042234

04281627.jpg                 36.3K  Murdock gets himself tangled again.
04281632.jpg                 36.7K  Rest and relaxation
04281637.jpg                 37.2K  No, don't read, you must pet me!
04281642.jpg                 36.1K  Kit-Kat doesn't take "no" for an answer
04281647.jpg                 36.1K  The only way John can read is if he pets her at the same time
04281652.jpg                 36.3K  Sally looks over Murdock, but is distracted by Kit-Kat's cuteness
04281627 04281632 04281637 04281642 04281647 04281652
04281657.jpg                 36.6K  Having a human on the lawn is much fun
04281702.jpg                 36.4K  Punkin (orange blob, top center) has been neglected all this time
04281707.jpg                 36.4K  Murdock says "roll over, play dead" and Punkin obliges.  (Kit-Kat is out of it)
05161059.jpg                 30.9K  Joe performs two-handed petting
05171225.jpg                 32.7K  Happy Murdock, getting brushed while outdoors
05171230.jpg                 31.5K  It takes a lot of effort to get the loose fur off of the big fuzzy cat
04281657 04281702 04281707 05161059 05171225 05171230
05311915.jpg                 31.8K  Murdock waits for the coals to be ready
06271855.jpg                 29.1K  Murdock helps with the laundry
07030920.jpg                 29.5K  Checking the fence
07031359.jpg                 33.3K  Kit-Kat is not impressed by Joe's "Pinky and the Brain" t-shirt
07031920.jpg                 30.3K  Murdock making sure that the fannish t-shirts are getting dry
07151955.jpg                 27.6K  All three of them in the cat enclosure
05311915 06271855 07030920 07031359 07031920 07151955
09011342.jpg                 29.8K  Chris does sewing and costume design as a hobby
09131020.jpg                 27.5K  Murdock smells something by the lemon tree, Punkin contemplates the cat enclosure
09131030.jpg                 28.8K  Murdock in the shade, Punkin with her back to the camera
Enclosure-here.jpg           35.7K  The cat enclosure, before it was taken down
Enclosure-gone.jpg           37.5K  The cat enclosure moved to Chez TyeDye
09011342 09131020 09131030 Enclosure-here Enclosure-gone

12161220.jpg                 38.4K  Murdock demands to be petted (color camera went to Chez TyeDye)
12161240.jpg                 37.2K  Contemplating the world on a bright sunny morning
01021250.jpg                 39.2K  Trimming the rose bush
01021255.jpg                 38.2K  Trimming the lemon tree
01031145.jpg                 39.0K  "This light is so bright"
01031150.jpg                 41.3K  Catching the sun before it moves off the concrete
12161220 12161240 01021250 01021255 01031145 01031150
01031300.jpg                 38.5K  More tree inspection
01031305.jpg                 36.6K  John untangling the Kit-Kat and Punkin leashes for the last time at this location
01031310.jpg                 38.4K  Taking longer than expected
01031320.jpg                 37.1K  Kit-Kat has two backyards now, her new one and this old one
01031325.jpg                 37.2K  Striding purposfully ...
01031330.jpg                 36.9K  ... to a spot in the sun
01031300 01031305 01031310 01031320 01031325 01031330

WarmFence.jpg                45.9K  His nest
NoRain1.jpg                  51.9K  Murdock in his favorite spot
NoRain2.jpg                  45.5K  January is the rainy season, but not today
RainyDay1.jpg                45.4K  He insists on going out in spite of the rain
RainyDay2.jpg                41.9K  Happy to sit on a dry spot.
WarmFence NoRain1 NoRain2 RainyDay1 RainyDay2

SatWalk.jpg                  54.6K  Talking a walk on a warm Saturday afternoon in January
SatPose.jpg                  65.8K  Completely unaffected by tomorrow's Super Bowl
SatThrone.jpg                47.1K  Murdock considers this futon chair to be his throne
SatSleep.jpg                 52.2K  Asleep on his throne
SunnyBench.jpg               57.2K  The sun-worshiping bench
CitrusZen.jpg                29.6K  Zen and the art of citrus appreciation
SatWalk SatPose SatThrone SatSleep SunnyBench CitrusZen

Purple.jpg                   49.0K  Successful dye job
BeforeWind.jpg               46.8K  Before the big wind started up
Blustery.jpg                 46.9K  Hunched down on a blustery day
Easter1.jpg                  48.6K  Warm Sunday, for rolling around
Easter2.jpg                  46.6K  Stop appreciating my handsomeness and untangle me
Easter3.jpg                  46.0K  His command worked; he's got two people petting him now
Purple BeforeWind Blustery Easter1 Easter2 Easter3
RuffleMe.jpg                 47.1K  Cat fur creates static when ruffled on a dry day
swings0.jpg                  49.9K  Dismantling the swingset
swings1.jpg                  47.8K  John gets the high crossbar
swings2.jpg                  52.3K  Joe gets the other half
swings3.jpg                  52.9K  Now the lower crossbars
swings4.jpg                  54.2K  Digging up the concrete around the posts
RuffleMe swings0 swings1 swings2 swings3 swings4
swings5.jpg                  52.4K  Murdock is nonplussed by the activity
swings6.jpg                  52.4K  His highness loves to watch the peons work
swings7.jpg                  53.1K  Staring intently at his subjects
swings8.jpg                  52.0K  Working on the fourth pole; Murdock says "boring!"
swings9.jpg                  46.4K  Fifth pole took all three of us
RollInSun.jpg                48.8K  Roll, roll, roll in the sun, sun, sun
swings5 swings6 swings7 swings8 swings9 RollInSun

Tiller1.jpg                  51.8K  A beautiful day to run a rototiller though the garden
Tiller2.jpg                  51.7K  The supervisor and the laborer
Tiller3.jpg                  51.0K  Strangler weed also does a darned good job at strangling the tiller
Tiller4.jpg                  30.0K  Everybody look at the lemon tree
Tiller1 Tiller2 Tiller3 Tiller4

Saturday1.jpg                23.2K  Yes, Murdock?  Did you call for me?
Saturday2.jpg                20.2K  OK, I can read my newspaper and rub your belly at the same time.
Saturday3.jpg                18.2K  You certainly are a demanding puddy tat.
Asparagus.jpg                50.9K  Somebody's been flattening the asparagus
Sphinx1.jpg                  50.6K  Looking enigmatic
Sphinx2.jpg                  49.1K  Now for my other side
Saturday1 Saturday2 Saturday3 Asparagus Sphinx1 Sphinx2
MyChair.jpg                  39.6K  No, you may not sit here - this is my chair.
Walking.jpg                  12.8K  Up and about after having surgery.
EarlyMorn.jpg                51.6K  Morning sun worshiping.
Catnip1.jpg                  66.5K  Murdock is very excited about his catnip.
Catnip2.jpg                  60.5K  Until it gets to him.
Roll2.jpg                    52.8K  Aren't I cute?
MyChair Walking EarlyMorn Catnip1 Catnip2 Roll2
Visit2cats.jpg               58.6K  Punkin comes for a visit, blocks Murdock from his spot.
Visit1cat.jpg                56.8K  Looking very regal after having convincing Punkin to leave.
HurraySun.jpg                50.0K  After no sun for 3 days, it is finally back.  Hurray!
Laundry2.jpg                 47.7K  Murdock watches Sally take down the black t-shirts.
KitBin.jpg                   49.8K  KitKat rolling around near the trash bin.
WhiteTum.jpg                 46.6K  Blinding white cat tum (freshly shampooed kitty)
Visit2cats Visit1cat HurraySun Laundry2 KitBin WhiteTum

LemonSit.jpg                 58.6K  Sitting under the lemon tree
LemonShade.jpg               61.0K  Shifting to the shade
LemonSleep.jpg               57.1K  Getting sleepy ...
LemonSnooze.jpg              60.5K  ... zonked out
CloverCorner.jpg             50.3K  Winter clover almost conceal the mighty beast.
LemonSit LemonShade LemonSleep LemonSnooze CloverCorner

WinterLemon.jpg              64.1K  Lemon tree in winter (December 13th)
WinterSun1.jpg               58.6K  Meditating under his lemon tree
WinterSun2.jpg               58.4K  Lean to the left, ...
WinterSun3.jpg               58.5K  ... Lean to the right, ...
WinterSun4.jpg               49.2K  ... Stand up, Sit down, Bright white light!
WinterLemon WinterSun1 WinterSun2 WinterSun3 WinterSun4

y2k-corner.jpg               57.1K  First sunny day of Y2K; Murdock inspects his corner ...
y2k-tree.jpg                 50.0K  ... and his lemon tree.
LemonPrune.jpg               54.4K  Pruning the tree before the winter rains start
PeachLean.jpg                57.3K  Leaning up against the new peach tree
PeachTwig.jpg                44.0K  He loves the peach twig
FebRuffle.jpg                58.8K  Murdock demands to be ruffled on this sunny February day
y2k-corner y2k-tree LemonPrune PeachLean PeachTwig FebRuffle
SniffGeranium.jpg            57.4K  Checking out his favorite bush
OutSun1.jpg                  51.8K  Murdock demands that Joe come outside and enjoy the sun
OutSun2.jpg                  51.4K  With the cat obstructing the paper, Joe pulls out another section
OutSun3.jpg                  49.2K  Murdock detects the center of attention has shifted, relocates
OutSun4.jpg                  51.1K  Tired of all the movement, Murdock plops down
PattySnooze.jpg              50.4K  Taking a snooze on St. Patrick's Day
SniffGeranium OutSun1 OutSun2 OutSun3 OutSun4 PattySnooze
Flora-Fauna.jpg              56.2K  Sleeping under lemon tree, ignoring the wildly growing rosebush and callalily
EasterMorn.jpg               48.6K  He demanded that I spend some quality time with him in the sun
TubInRain.jpg                55.6K  Hot tub in the rain
MintPunkin.jpg               43.3K  Minty-fresh Punkin; she loves to roll around in the mint
MintMurdock.jpg              43.3K  Murdock asserting his territorial imperative over the mint
MoreMint.jpg                 64.9K  Back in the mint patch
Flora-Fauna EasterMorn TubInRain MintPunkin MintMurdock MoreMint
LawnDrink.jpg                55.0K  Sprinkler invades Murdock's favorite spot; he drinks from it
Contemplate1.jpg             47.3K  Contemplating on a quiet Saturday evening.
Contemplate2.jpg             53.5K  What do cats think about when they are meditating?
WildColors.jpg               60.6K  Colorful laundry.
LawnDrink Contemplate1 Contemplate2 WildColors

20191209_LemonTree.jpg       7.14M  Lemon tree
20191209_Bushes.jpg          7.22M  Rose bush and geraniums
20191209_PeachApple.jpg      7.68M  Peach twig and apple tree
20191209_SolarControl.jpg    4.15M  Solar panel control center
20191209_SolarBush.jpg       5.46M  Solar panels and Bird of Paradise
20191209_SolarRoof.jpg       4.72M  Solar panels above roof
20191209_LemonTree 20191209_Bushes 20191209_PeachApple 20191209_SolarControl 20191209_SolarBush 20191209_SolarRoof

.. parent directory		back to top

See also the cat pictures: Murdock, Punkin, Kit-Kat.

See also: current image, last 2 hours, last 24 hours and previous day.

Selected images from INWAP's web camera. (More or less in chronological order)