Chez INWAP People
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4 faces
(Picture taken after a visit to Prager PortWorks in Napa Valley.)

4 fans

All share an interest in Science Fiction. Often seen at Worldcons and SF Cons in California. Joe usually wears blinking lights, Sally schmoozes, Chris and John help out at the Masquerade.

Joe and Sally

Joe + Sally
Have been married since 1981.

Joe Joe Smith

Works for Instantis, Inc, a Silicon Valley start-up that survived the dot-com crash.

For many years was in the Product & Technical Support division of MCI WorldCom, supporting the Tymnet Global Network out of San Jose, CA. Has a computer-geek type of home page.

.signature from 1998:
CA license plate: "POPJ P," 36-bits forever! (2 Tymshare PDP-10s still going!)
Humorous disclaimer: "My Amiga 3000 speaks for me."

Sally Sally Smith

Part-time student at Ohlone College and full-time cat wrangler. Has a home page linked to the Hollywood entertainment industry. Former official webmaster for the Association of Clan MacLeod Societies.

Former members of Chez Inwap

John and Chris

John + Chris
Before the wedding (prior to 8-Jul-95).


Smiling after ceremony
After the wedding (8-Jul-95).

John John (Snyder) O'Halloran

Works for Kaiser Permanente type of home page.

Chris Chris (Hill) O'Halloran

Reads magazines for a living. Has a subdued home page.

Friends and Associates with pages on our site

Common interests

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