Joe's unoffical ReBoot home page
[Jump to most recent entry.]
The Unofficial ReBoot Home Page
Welcome to the "Unofficial ReBoot Home Page".
This site was the first one announced on the net. (It was announced as
"" and is now at "".)
April, 1995 - Joe Smith = "The Unofficial ReBoot Home Page"
First web site with JPEG images of the characters and toys, has the full
press kit from Alliance Productions. Lots of text; designed to be posted
to and rec.arts.animation newsgroups on USENET.
May, 1995 - David Francis = "ReBoot Home Page"
Flashier presentation, selected as Spider's Pick of the Day for 30-Jun-95.
July, 1995 - Irwin Toys = "Irwin Toys Home Page"
From the producers of the ReBoot action figures and play sets.
August, 1995 - Alliance Communications = "Welcome to the Reboot Web Site"
This is the official home page from the show's producers and distributors.
Looks very nice, but does not even have an episode guide.
It has not been updated since September 1995. Be sure to
visit the Central office and sign up with the Birthday Club.
Other ReBoot-related home pages are listed on my index page.
My name is Joe Smith and this is the editorial section of
my "Unoffical ReBoot Home Page". (To jump directly to the good stuff,
just click on the ReBoot icon above.)
I started getting interested in the Saturday morning cartoon show "ReBoot"
- It's done with 100% computer animation.
- The CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) looks pretty cool.
- The character names and places are filled with puns on
the computer industry.
- The plots are better than your typical Saturday morning fare.
History of this document
- Mid March, 1995
The local ABC station stopped moving the time slot around (it had been
6:30am for a while). In the middle of March, I started recording ReBoot.
My housemates agreed that this was a nifty show, and knew there were more
puns and in-jokes than each of us noticed individually. It
was time to merge this knowledge and make it available on the Net.
- 26-Mar-95
Around March 26th, I posted a query to USENET, asking if anyone had a
complete episode list. I also asked if there was a FAQ (list of
Frequently Asked Questions about the show) and/or a list of the puns.
I also searched Lycos, Yahoo, and a couple of other search engines for
references to ReBoot on the World Wide Web, but had no luck there.
- 31-Mar-95
After a week of no response, I decided to create my own home page for
ReBoot. Inspired by the Lurker's Guide to Babylon-5 and Matthew Flatt's
Mr. Bumpy's unofficial home page, I started typing in everhthing I knew
about the show. At that time, I had only three episodes on tape, and a
clipping from Daily Variety.
- 2-Apr-95
I posted a preliminary FAQ list on April 2nd, and that brought a response
from some people who work at BLT Productions, where ReBoot is created.
(At their request, those sources are being kept nameless.)
Both BLT Productions and Alliance Communications (the distributors) are
planning to have their own pages on the Web; I'm looking forward to that.
- 6-Apr-95
The pictures on the Characters page came straight from the people at
Reboot. They were converted to GIF and JPG format on 6-Apr-95.
- 17-Apr-95
The press kit from Alliance Communications arrives. The four long pages
of press releases section ("Renewed", "Info", "Details" and "People") are
exact duplicates of the press kit (as far as can be done in HTML).
- 10-May-95
The product manager of Irwin Toys gave me a call, and he's planning to have
some sort of URL printed on the boxes when the ReBoot toys come out.
- 20-May-95
Made sure the document looks reasonable with Mosaic-2.5 and with
text based browsers (such as Lynx).
- 6-Jun-95
Press kit with photos of the Irwin Toys product line arrives.
First batch of toy photos scanned in. More to come.
- 9-Jun-95
Added color images to the Contents page and made related sub pages use
color coded backgrounds.
- 10-Jun-95
Got e-mail from Bill Sweetman, Manager of Multimedia Project at
YTV Canada Inc. I will be getting the YTV logo soon.
- 11-Jun-95
Had to change most of the background colors since it looked just awful
under Windows. (Any RGB value that is not part of the base color set gets
dithered, and the dot pattern causes flicker and makes small fonts
difficult to read.)
[Note to HTML authors: Although there are 16 million combinations for
BGCOLOR="#rrggbb", only three are guaranteed to look good on all platforms
(Mac, PC, UNIX). They are: "#c0c0c0" (default gray), "#ffffff" (white),
and "#000000" (black). Colors in the tool bar, such as "#ff0000" (bright
red) and "#ffffcc" (pale yellow), are OK but any other color is a gamble.]
- 12-Jun-95
Added "page n of 41" and the URL to each page so that documents are self
identifying when printed out.
- 26-Jun-95
Updated the episode guide to include the names of the next 10 episodes.
(They will be shown during the 1995-1996 season.)
- 30-Jun-95
David Francis's Reboot Page was chosen as Spider's Pick of the Day.
Before that, my ReBoot page was seeing about 170 hits per day.
On 6/30 and 7/01, I got 2735 hits in 24 hours.
- 5-Jul-95
Updated the URL pointing to Steve's checklist. Added descriptions of the
images (including the size of each JPEG file) to Heroes and Villains.
- 7-Jul-95
Added announcement from Alliance; Birthday party for Enzo, ABC to show
new episodes August 12. Alliance's official ReBoot home page will be
launched on August 2nd.
- 11-Jul-95
Created separate images for Hack and Slash on the "Bad Guys" page.
Added pointer to and new logo for them.
- 29-Jul-95
Updated schedule of episodes since ABC is
showing two episodes each Saturday from now until the new season starts.
- 1-Aug-95
Added pictures of the Irwin Toy playsets.
- 8-Aug-95
Digitized an overview of Mainframe and added it to the Locations page.
This is now a clickable imagemap, like the Characters page.
The names of each sector are in a table (one that was designed to
look reasonable when viewed with Mosaic-2.6 for X/UNIX).
- 12-Aug-95
Added "Talent Night", the episode about Enzo's birthday.
- 20-Aug-95
Changed the names of some files so that the whole shebang can be copied
onto a laptop PC. (Now I can take ReBoot to Science Fiction conventions.)
- 24-Aug-95
This page was rated among the top 5% of all sites in the
Internet by Point Survey.
- 8-Sep-95
Added description of ABC's Saturday Morning Preview, in which Megabyte
shows up and demands his own prime-time special.
- 23-Sep-95
Added info from the activities at the Puzzle Zoo in Santa Monica, CA.
This includes some pictures from the new Brendan McCarthy comic "Z-Men".
- 15-Oct-95
Finally got around to entering pages for "Identity Crisis" and "Infected".
- 30-Dec-95
"Trust No One" airs; this episode has a large cross-over audience from
X-Files fans.
- 06-Jan-96
The web server at had 15,000 hits and sent 109 megabytes in 24
hours. This was the Saturday that everyone expected "Web World Wars" to air.
- 12-Jan-96
The counter for exceeded 50,000.
- 02-Mar-96
"Web World Wars" airs on ABC, web server gets 18,000 hits, sends 113 MB.
- 24-Mar-96
Counter for Reboot passes 75,000; the 24-hour usage for INWAP's web server
was 14,000 hits and 103 megabytes.
- 04-Apr-96
This site is included in the "Walking the World Wide Web", on-line book,
2nd edition.
- 07-Apr-96
Renamed Questions.html to FAQ.html and did a major re-write.
- 11-May-96
Reposted summary of "Trust No One" to, hit 100M/day again.
- 19-May-96
Changed the footer at the bottom of each page. It once again includes
a page number ("nn of 65"). Added a small personal page so that the
entire subdirectory could be copied elsewhere (such as to a CD-ROM).
- 23-May-96
Silicon Graphics has a spotlight on ReBoot.
Gillian Anderson photographed by the GLOBE wearing ReBoot hat.
- 24-May-96
Added new cast picture from the end of second season. This one includes
Mouse and AndrAIa. Rearranged the images on main page to include this.
- 09-Jun-96
Wrote a perl program to take the page numbers from TheEnd.html and
renumber all the html pages. Also added navigational links ("prev" "up"
"next") to the top of each page to match the arrows at the bottom of page.
- 18-Jun-96 13:30:47 PST (16:30:47 EDT)
The counter for hit 100,000.
Thanks go to Greg Nesimth for sending me a message when that occured.
- 24-Jul-96
Added link to Fifo's page of WAV files to Fans.html.
- 14-Aug-96
Claster Television announces that "ReBoot" will be part of the
"Power Block" that they are syndicating to 106 independent TV stations
(covering 85% of the US). The fall season begins the week of 16-Sep-96
and will start with episodes from first and second seasons.
- 16-Aug-96
Extracted the Daily Variety articles from Comments.html and Press.html,
moved them into a new file, Variety.html, and updated index.
- 21-Aug-96
Created separate Claster.html page to hold the list of TV stations.
Web usage for 11267 hits, 112.817 MB in one day.
- 15-Sep-96
The Canadian Broadcasting Company's CBC Newsworld does a segment on
Mainframe Entertainment Inc. The URL for this page is shown onscreen.
Web usage for 12307 hits, 117.684 Mb in one day.
- 16-Sep-96
Added cross-references between the synopses and the quotes.
- 30-Sep-96
Received image of "Season III" from Mainframe Entertainment Inc.
It has Enzo and AndrAIa as kids, and the two of them young adults.
The link to it is on the main index page.
- 06-Oct-96
Scanned in the publicity photo for Season III from the 1-Oct-96
Special International Animation Edition of "The Hollywood Reporter".
Created SeasonIII.html.
- 20-Oct-96
Scanned in pictures from the October issue of "Vancouver" magazine.
Created a new Actors page.
- 16-Nov-96
Added Michael Benyaer's picture to the Actors page. Put in links to
the IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) for each voice actor.
- 2-Jan-97
Added more information to the Actors page.
Created page for the 1997 ReBoot Calendar.
- 14-Feb-97
Discovered that Claster.html was mentioned on page 199 of the March 1997
issue of Wired magazine. Their on-line edition points to Reboot.html.
I expect a lot more hits because of this, today's usage is 136 MB/day.
- 15-Mar-97
Added even more to the Actors page.
Created new page with Mainframe's latest "we need talented
animators" ad campaign.
- 24-Apr-97
Entered the TV Guide article on Beast Wars.
- 2-May-97
Moved all image descriptions out of TheEnd.html
and replaced it with a whiz-bang directory listing program.
- 7-May-97
American CyberSuperstores is sold out of Reboot on VHS.
- 4-Jul-97 9:07am
Counter records 200,000th hit.
- 13-Jul-97
This site listed as number 4 in the Lycos Top 10 Comics and Cartoon pages.
Joined the ReBoot web ring.
- 18-Jul-97
Keith Lawler in the UK sends in 311.html, the description of the first
episode of the third season.
- 5-Aug-97
Mainframe shows two episodes from Season III at a private screening during
SIGgraph. ReBoot is featured on the cover of the Sep-1997 issue of
Animation magazine (and on the Canadian magazine TakeOne).
- 7-Aug-97
Bandwidth for exceeds 200 megabytes per day. People trying
to access the site get shown /limit.html instead.
- 21-Aug-97
Created a writers page.
- 21-Aug-97
Temporarily disabled all JPG files in an attempt to stay below the
200 megabytes per day limit.
- 27-Aug-97
Created an overflow site for just JPG images.
- 23-Nov-97
The official web site at was completely revamped.
It now has short blurbs for each episode, and a pointer to my episode
guide. Created a CGI script that refers back to the Mainframe site.
- 7-Jan-98
Counter hits 300,000.
- 9-Sep-98
Created a new parent directory to hold ReBoot and
War Planets / Shadowraiders.
- 4-Oct-98
Counter hits 400,000.
- 4-Dec-99
Created network/US.html" for announcements
about ReBoot showing in the US. It is suitable for use with the URL minder.
- 15-Mar-99
The Cartoon Network starts showing ReBoot in the US (4:30pm Mon-Fri).
- 22-Mar-99
Added air dates to episode list, created separate page
(network/CN.html) for the Cartoon Network
air dates.
- 30-Jun-99
Counter hits 500,000.
- 5-Mar-00
Cartoon network stops showing ReBoot, it may be back in the summer.
- 27-Mar-00
Counter hits 600,000.
- 10-Apr-00
Add new page for TV movies due out in 2001.
- 28-Jun-01
Counter hits 700,000.
- 19-Oct-01
Noticable peaks each Friday night as episodes of Season IV are aired on the
Cartoon Network. (10/19, 10/19, 10/26, 11/02) (11/09, 11/16, 11/23, 11/30)

YTV showed two hours on Sunday, 11/18 and 11/25.
YTV encores were one hour on Wednesday, 11/21, 11/28, 12/05, 01/05).
And now, on with the show.
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Maintained by Joe Smith at